Instructions for starting up the emulator

I assume you use Windows 98 SE or XP. But I suppose it won't be much different for other versions. First create a new directory and unzip the contents of the emulator file into this directory. If you think of running it more often it might be a good idea to create a shortcut on the desktop, starting from fsmac.bat). Start the emulator by double-clicking on the shortcut (or any other way you prefer). The emulator starts and shows a simulated Mac screen with an open Flt Sim folder. Double clicking on the Flight Sim icon starts the program. Idvd download free for mac 7.0 4.


There are only a few controls for this emulator, that are self explanatory. You enter the control menu by holding the <Cntrl> key (see below).

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Instructions on how to run the Mac FS 1 program

When the program starts, you're at a less familiar place: on runway 27 at Oakland Airport, ready for a demo tour, that starts within a minute. You have to cancel this demo before you can start on your own. For this however you have to be able to control the program. But there is one little snag: you can't see the cursor. Before revealing how to get the cursor back there is another special aspect of this Macintosh version that needs some explanation.

Flight Simulators For Mac Computers

By lack of the keypad, in the Mac version the aircraft can not be controlled completely from the keyboard. Most functions can, but some like throttle, rudder and elevators not. These are controlled with the mouse, which for this end can be switched form 'cursor' to 'yoke' mode and v.v. This is also reflected in the 'key reference card', which consists of 2 parts, the mouse part and the keyboard part. BTW: the Amiga and Atari ST versions have this Mouse use feature as an extra! When you start it will feel a bit odd, but with some practice you will get used to it. Otherwise the controls are much the same, including the use of the mouse in cursor mode for entering the menus and setting parameters.

For the complete controls see the 'Control Key Reference Card', that can be downloaded separately. The aircraft controls and the panel are much advanced, compared to those in the first editions of FS1 for the Apple and TRS-80. You can now also view in all directions.

Flight Sim For Mac Pc

Then there was that little problem with the invisible cursor. That's solved easily by switching to 'full screen' mode (by holding <Cntrl> and pushing the F key. When switching back to 'normal' or 'magnified' mode the cursor should remain visible.

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Latest revision: 30.03.2005